Expert 10.6 Rework System at PIEK

PIEK extends its educational equipment with Expert 10.6 Hybrid-Rework System

Since March 2024, PIEK has expanded its educational resources through a partnership with MARTIN GmbH, receiving the Expert 10.6 Hybrid-Rework System and its accompanying accessories. The Expert 10.6 Hybrid-Rework System will be integrated into PIEK's BGA and soldering courses, enhancing the educational experience for participants in Heerlen.

PIEK extends its educational equipment with Expert 10.6 Hybrid-Rework System 3300 W - PIEK (

Martin-Expert10.6 HV persp01



BGA/CSP/QFN rework with our intensive training and certification course with the Expert 10.6. Gain practical expertise and official certification. Register now for sessions in Heerlen, NL.

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